12Whois Domain Whois History Service. Quickly receive all historical domain records of any domain for only $2.49
This Historical Whois Domain Checker has been set up for researches, detectives as well as (private) investigators.
It's not a secret that scammers, criminals, pedophiles, fraudulent companies or just anyone could be found this way.
12whois.com has been set up for researchers, detectives as well as (private) investigators.
It's not a secret that scammers, criminals, pedophiles, fraudulent companies or just anyone could be found this way.
More than ever people start hiding their domain registration details, which result in not knowing anything about the actual owner of the domain name such as name, address, email, phone and even nameservers before having switched to CloudFlare. Whois Databases do not store historical records, instead they will be overwritten.
For any matters, we can be reached at contact@12w
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